Back to the Past: The Rise of the False Heiress Marrying the True Tycoon novel free - Chapter 177

Chapter 177


Chapter 177: Sister-in-law Joining Hands


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

If these events had unfolded in reality, it would have been more captivating than any drama. Everyone was eagerly anticipating the outcome.

When Tian Hais father recognized that it was indeed Su Jing, he felt a surge of confidence.

No matter how clever Gu Zi might be, it wouldnt matter. As long as Su Jing remained by his sons side, she would side with the Tian family.

She didnt want them to pay her back, so why would they need to pay her back? She could also take the opportunity to teach this Gu Zi a lesson.

If you still wish to marry into the Tian family, talk kindly and regain my respect! he whispered to Su Jing.

Others from the Tian family also murmured to sow discord. This woman is acting like a tyrant in your home. If you dont stand up to her, your brother will likely cast you out of the Su family.

Su Jing responded and continued approaching Gu Zi. The members of the Tian family wore smug smiles.

The onlookers held their breaths, eagerly waiting to see how Su Shen would intervene if Su Jing and Gu Zi got into a confrontation.

This incident was sure to become the hottest topic in the village for the year. The spectators were thrilled to be witness to this unfolding drama.

Lin Cheng and the others were perplexed as Su Jing approached them. They couldnt possibly lay a hand on a woman, could they?

In that moment, Li Hua gathered her courage and stood by Gu Zi. She said to

Gu Zi, Sister, dont worry. Im here for you!

Thank you, Sister-in-law, but she probably wont do anything foolish, Gu Zi reassured Li Hua.

Observing Su Jing, Gu Zi noticed an unusual calmness in her demeanor today, a sense of rationality she hadnt seen before.

In matters of love, women often lost their rationality, sinking deeper into emotional complexities.

Gu Zi wanted to help Su Jing get out of it and asked Su Shen to give her a chance.

She had chosen her own path. Gu Zi didnt seek pity, nor did she anticipate gratitude from Su Jing.

She just didnt want to see a woman sacrifice herself for love, only to be betrayed countless times in return.

Su Jing lifted her gaze towards Gu Zi and then turned her head, pointing accusingly at the Tian family members with a cold tone.

What my sister-in-law says is right. Your family lives off my money. Tian Hai doesnt work but uses my money for his indiscretions. Ive seen through your schemes now. Regarding Tian Hais leg, the doctor said it can recover. Ill cover the medical expenses, but you have to repay the money you owe to my family.

Not a cent less!

Su Jing felt that she was really muddle-headed in the past. Even on her way here, she was torn between which side to take.

However, hearing Gu Zis words in the midst of the crowd made her realize that Gu Zi didnt aim to push her out of the Su family. She didnt have much independence yet and still relied on her brother. She couldnt break ties with the Su family due to a worthless man.

In truth, she had noticed Tian Hais misconduct before, but she avoided confronting the truth. Now, she couldnt deny the disappointment she harbored towards him.

Most importantly, her brother had spoken to her, and all the household funds were now handed over to Gu Zi. If she persisted, she would gain nothing. After contemplating for a few days, she chose not to become adversaries with

You, you guys Tian Hais father was left speechless and shaking with anger, pointing at Su Jing in disbelief. He didnt expect Su Jing, this idiot, to suddenly turn to her family.

The Tian family and the spectators were stunned, perplexed by Su Jings sudden shift in behavior. They had anticipated a showdown between the sisters-in-law but were instead witnessing the Su familys sisters-in-law uniting.

While this turn of events could still spark conversation, it wasnt as scandalous as a Su family dispute. Their hopes for drama dissipated, and they felt suddenly disheartened.

Gu Zi regarded Su Jing with an approving smile. Only a smart person knew how to adapt to the development of the situation.

She hadnt expected Su Jing to rectify her error. It was a splendid turnaround!

Not only did the Tian familys ill intentions falter, but the villagers eager for a spectacle from the Su family were silenced.

With the crowd gathered to witness, Gu Zi understood that the villagers werent genuinely concerned about her; they were there for the spectacle.

Eyeing Tian Hais father and his group, Gu Zi addressed them firmly. Arent you leaving? Oh, and dont forget about returning the 200 yuan.

As she finished speaking, she pretended to loosen the dog leash suddenly. Startled, the Tian family members fled in a panic.

Gu Zi didnt actually release the leash entirely; with so many bystanders, allowing the dog to run freely might cause more trouble if it startled or bit


